Monday, March 30, 2009

These precious things...

"Let them bleed, let them wash away. These precious things. Let them break their hold over me."

I have nothing new to really write about. I dyed my hair dark brown but it looks black whenever I look at it. I hope it fades cause I'm way to pale and naturally blond to have black hair. I made my tattoo appointment for next Tuesday at 5pm. I'm so flippin excited. I gave him two photos of the flowers I want and he did a rough sketch and showed me the layout. Yay! He's knocking off $150-$200 too because I have to go to Ohio for my second session and it's a 4 hour drive. I'll post some pictures on Flickr when I get home from the first session.

April is going to be one busy month. Here's my list of things I need to do. Maybe this will help me to not forget everything.
Trip to Minnesota to look at houses this weekend.
Finish packing.
Find homes for things we aren't taking with us.
Four hour tattoo session on April 7th.
Trip to Chicago to see Emily & Eleanor for three days on April 14th.
Going to see my new nephew when he's born.
Mail out my going away party invites.
Pick up Jordyn's toddler bed and other things we need before we move.
Turn in my camera to Best Buy.
Have a night out (I hope this happens)

That's all I can think of for now. May is busy too but we will only be here for two weeks. And to finish one of my favorite Tori Amos songs.

"I remember. Yes in my peach party dress. No one dared, no one cared to tell me where the pretty girls are. Those demigods with their nine inch nails and little fascist panties tucked inside the heart of every nice girl"

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